” I’ve struggled with my weight all my life.  Yo-yo dieting and the frustration and self-hatred that goes along with it.  I’ve tried everything but it’s hard knowing what works when nothing you’ve tried does. Every single diet on the market! Medifast, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, The Bead Diet (500 cals day) and everything in between. I lost and then regained my weight and THEN some!

You always have concerns when working with someone new. Are they good? Do they know what they’re doing? Will this work?? Monica knows more about food and the body than anyone I know including my doctor!

One of the things I love about Monica is that she truly understands the struggle. She’s really mindful of that.  It’s incredible to have HOPE and to realize it’s not ME!  I would say that she truly walks the walk! She understands the struggle and has been where we are.

She knows the issues physically and emotionally and provide lots of support along the way. I’m so thankful for her help on my journey. If you are ready to lose the weight, I highly recommend working with Monica!”

Cathy, New York

“I worked with Monica and my entire life changed. Before working with her as my health coach, I struggled to lose weight and was a type 2 diabetic taking three medications daily. I tried every diet. It left me feeling stuck, hungry, not satisfied, and hopeless. But after working with Monica, I soon realized how to eat to fuel my body and feel full. I couldn’t believe it, but I lost 45 pounds! My doctor was amazed at my results. In less than 60 days, my A-1 C numbers dropped and I no longer needed injectables to control my type 2 diabetes. I sleep better and I am healthier all around.

I would recommend working with Monica to anyone who wants to lose weight and is struggling. Plus, there are so many other benefits like more energy, getter sleep, better digestion and skin.

It’s incredible–what Monica teaches WORKS.”

Tracy, Kentucky

“If you are looking to make changes in your health for the good, I would highly recommend partnering with Monica.

I’ve known Monica for quite a while now but have been working with her on my health journey for about 3 years.  Before working with her, I was experiencing little energy, lots of inflammation, and feeling very discouraged about ever feeling any different!  Having been an overweight person for most of my life, I have tried every conceivable diet out there. None with results I can brag about.

Upon Monica’s recommendations, I started first by working on detoxifying my home and my body, which helped to lay the foundation for my journey towards wellness. Then, after listening to and following her recommendations for nutrition and supplementation to better my health, I have successfully lost 35 pounds so far.  I still have a ways to go to reach my ultimate goal, but I am confident that I will get there because now I have the knowledge and encouragement to succeed!

Since implementing these changes I have not only felt healthier, but have also been able to be so much more active now that I have lost some of this weight.  I am much more productive than I used to be! I also credit staying healthier (especially during this pandemic)  because my immune system has also been boosted up by the changes I have made!

I highly recommend Monica as a health coach in your journey to wellness!  She not only “walks the talk”, but is so very knowledgeable in how to help you meet your goals towards better health as well!  She is a true professional at what she does and your life will be better in the long run for having partnered with her!

Denise, Illinois

” I have struggled with health issues for a long time. I have gone to doctors, been on meds, and have not seen much improvement.

When I met Monica, I shared with her what was going on with me. She had great recommendations for supplements, essential oils, and food choices that would not only help me but my entire family.   At first, I was concerned about being able to make this change for my family; however, I soon discovered it was doable and has been so good for us.

The essential oils she recommended have been amazing plus the food we have been eating has allowed our family to stay full longer.  We have been able to stay away from extreme sugary foods and its helped us not to overeat. She introduced us to so many foods we now love to eat.

I highly recommend Monica! She is very knowledgeable and has inspired so many community members and people in other states with her story.”

Ingrid, Oklahoma

“For years, I have struggled with anemia.  I always felt tired and weak.  When I scheduled my tummy tuck,  my surgeon told me I had to increase my hemoglobin.  Right away, I started taking the iron my doctor recommended. When I rechecked my levels 1 month later, nothing had changed!

I contacted Monica and told her about my frustration with my hemoglobin.  She told me she could help me.  I was skeptical, but I was desperate so I was willing to try anything she recommended.  Right away, she told me what labs to order and helped me schedule my appointment.

Within 2 days of receiving my labs, she went over my numbers with me and set me up on a personalized regimen.  I ordered the iron supplement she recommended and started taking it faithfully. Within one week, I could feel the difference. I had more energy and wasn’t dizzy.

Two weeks before surgery, I had my labs run again. I couldn’t believe my eyes.  At the end of June, my hemoglobin was 11.9 and at the beginning of August it was 14.1.  I have always struggled with getting my hemoglobin levels up and this was the first time I found something that worked. I am thrilled to not have to struggle with anemia anymore!
I finally found something that worked.

I am so thankful for Monica and her help.  Not only was I able to increase my hemoglobin levels for surgery, but she told me what to do after surgery to get my levels up quickly.  If you are struggling with anemia/iron deficiency, I highly recommend working with Monica.  She is very knowledgeable and is the only person who has been able to help me end my struggle with anemia.”

Caren, California

“Monica Weaver! A Wonder!

I met Monica through Young Living and Stampin’ Up! years ago.  I had heard of eating this way but had never tried it. I trusted Monica and “pretty much” only ate her recipes. They were delicious! And I lost 50 pounds and have kept it off, even though I have strayed from this way of eating.

If I hadn’t joined Monica’s program, I would probably still be 50+ pounds overweight. I still want to lose more weight and I know following her eating plan will remove the pounds I have left to lose.

Excited to restart on this life’s journey! I know it is a way of eating and I need to stick with it to get the body I was meant to have.  Looking forward to continue following her and her recipes!”

Patrice, Texas